
Purpose: determine the location of a character somewhere in your area.
Synonyms: none

track <target> track pigeon track the pigeon


  1. Use Track to attempt to locate a particular character somewhere near you.

When you Track someone, you attempt to determine which direction to move in to reach them.

There are many conditions which could prevent you from being able to track a particular target. You may be too tired, or paralyzed, or unable to perceive the direction to move in. The Game channel will inform you of the outcome of your command.

As with many other TriadCity commands, your expertise with the Track Skill will determine how effective your attempts to use the Track command will be.

Because the command is enabled for "natural language" parsing, you can use several variations and still be understood. "Track a guard", "track the guard", "track an arachnid", "track guard" will all do fine.

Complete command reference:

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Complete Player Command Reference