Player Command Reference
TriadCity uses superbitchin computer technology to allow players to interact with the game world via natural styles of communication. For the most part, you can simply enter ordinary English and the TriadCity client will figure you out.
This isn't 100% true, though. Sometimes we want you to use specific terminology, for instance the specialized commands enabled by the Healer, Herbalist, Malopath, Magician and other Roles. Other times your quirky and unexpectedly charmingly personal sense of syntax can defeat our parser, superbitchin as it otherwise is. In these circumstances, or for you power users who like to keep your typing to the minimum, these links are a comprehensive reference to TriadCity's "canonical" commands.
Please note that all TC commands can be Aliased to any keyboard combination you like.
Basic Commands: these are the commands you need to know in order to get started.
Commands available to all players, by category:
- Chat Commands
- CityNet Commands
- Commerce Commands
- Item Handling Commands
- Movement Commands
- Sense Commands
- Skill Commands
- Social Commands
- System Commands
Commands available to specific player Roles:
- Cosmetologist Role Commands
- Healer Role Commands
- Herbalist Role Commands
- Magician Role Commands
- Malopath Role Commands
- Ranger Role Commands
- Thief Role Commands
- Warrior Role Commands
Commands to make life easier for MUD clients, including blind and visually impaired players:
Complete Player Command Reference: the entire player "vocabulary" for TriadCity, amaze your friends, be godlike in your erudition, win the Obscure Command of the Week Contest!
Players' Guide TOC
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