What is Midgaard?

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Swords! Dragons! Castles! Magical fireballs! Inns with ale! Retro gaming at its most retro!

Midgaard is our homage to the text MUDs of decades past. Running on the TriadCity platform, it's an emulation of the classic DikuMUD adventure tradition circa 1994.

Because it's text, you read and type to play. It's not a 3D graphical environment such as World of Warcraft or Second Life. We find that our own imaginations are vastly more fulfilling. And, blind or visually impaired players are first-class citizens in all our games.

It's completely FREE to play. No monthly subscription, no credit card to register. Play any time you like from any browser. Or use our Android or iOS mobile clients. Or your favorite MUD client.

Best of all, it's friendly! For twenty years SmartMonsters has been free of the flame wars, misogyny, and mean-spiritedness prominent in some other environments. Even our bulletin boards are safe! And, our games are ideal for blind or visually-impaired players. Visit us today — we can't wait to meet you!

Get started today! Meet you in the Middle Ages!

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