TriadCity uses these technologies:
- The Java programming language.
Many components of the Amazon Web Services ecosystem,
API Gateway, Auto Scaling, Certificate Manager, Cloud 9, CloudFront, Cloud Trail, Cloud Watch, Code Build, Code Commit, Code Deploy, Code Pipeline, Cognito, Comprehend, Config, DynamoDB, EC2, ElastiCache, Elastic Beanstalk, Elastic Block Store, Elastic Load Balancing, Elastic Map Reduce, Glacier, IAM, Key Management Service, Kinesis Firehose, Lambda, Lex, OpsWorks, RDS, Route 53, S3, Sagemaker, Secrets Manager, Simple Email Service, Simple Notification Service, Simple Queue Service, Translate, VPC. - The MongoDB NoSQL database.
- The Neo4j NoSQL graph database.
- The Drools business rules engine.
- The Hadoop data analysis engine.
- The A.L.I.C.E. chatterbot framework.
- The Stanford Natural Language Processing framework.
- The Subsumption architecture framework for NPC behaviors.
- The Swift programming language.
- The SwiftUI application framework.
- The Python scripting language.
- The Postgresql relational database management system.
- The Redis key / value cache and data store.
- The Apache MINA networking framework.
- The Javascript scripting language.
- The JQuery Javascript framework.
- The Node.js Javascript framework.
- The JQWidgets Javascript UI framework.
- Many of the Apache Commons tools for Java.
- Chunks of the Spring Framework for Java.
- Google App Engine.
- The JUnit unit test framework.
- The Mockito mock objects framework
- Google's Guava tools for Java
- The Tower Git Client for Mac
- Slack
- Terraform
- Way more we can't remember right now.
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