
Purpose: some MUDs have a command called "bounce" which lets players instantly gain levels. This isn't one of those MUDs.
Synonyms: none

bounce bounce bounce
bounce <thing> bounce statue bounce the statue
bounce <thing> <qualifier> bounce statue red bounce the red statue
bounce <qualifier> <thing> bounce red statue bounce the red statue
bounce <n>.<thing> bounce 2.statue bounce the second statue


  1. Use form one if you haven't read the "purpose" section above and want to experience a facetious answer from the Game channel.
  2. Use form two when there's no ambiguity re the thing or person you want to bounce. The thing must be in the current room.
  3. Use forms three or four when there are many instances of <thing> present, and you want to bounce one of them in particular.
  4. Use forms three or four when there are many instances of <thing> present, and you want to bounce one of them in particular.
  5. Use form five when there are many instances of <thing> present, and you want to bounce one of them in particular.

Note that, as is typically true of most TriadCity commands, Bounce searches for <thing> in a specific order, starting with the room you're in, then your worn or wielded equipment, then your inventory. So, if there's a statue in the room, and a statue in your inventory, the command "bounce statue" will cause you to try to bounce the one in the room, not your inventory. You'd need to use "bounce 2.statue" for the latter.

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