
Purpose: speed healing by bandaging a wounded person or thing.
Synonyms: none

1. bandage <target> 1. bandage guard
2. bandage <target> <specifier> 2. bandage guard tall
3. bandage <specifier> <target> 3. bandage tall guard
4. bandage <n>.<target> 4. bandage 2.guard


  1. Use form one when there's no possible ambiguity. In the example, there's only one guard in the current room.
  2. Use form two or three when more information is needed to interpret the command — that is, there's more than one possible target by the same name to which the command could be applied. In the example, there's a tall guard, a short guard, etc.
  3. Use form two or three when more information is needed to interpret the command — that is, there's more than one possible target by the same name to which the command could be applied. In the example, there's a tall guard, a short guard, etc.
  4. Use form four when there are many instances of <target> available, and you want to bandage one of them in particular.

Bandaging a wounded character will help that character regain health more quickly.

You must be holding one or another type of Bandage Item.

Bandages lose effectiveness after some period, which varies by type of bandage. Some are longer-lived than others.

Bandages are not persistent across logins. If you're wearing bandages when you logout, they'll be gone when you return.

As with many other TriadCity commands, your expertise with the Bandage Skill will determine how effective your attempts to use the Bandage command will be.

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