
Purpose: eat a food item.
Synonyms: none
NLP Enabled? limited

1. eat <thing> 1. eat cake
2. eat <thing> <qualifier> 2. eat cake red
3. eat <qualifier> <thing> 3. eat red cake
4. eat <n>.<thing> 4. eat 2.cake


  1. Use form one when there's no ambiguity re the food item you want to eat. The item must be in your inventory.
  2. Use forms two or three when there are many instances of <thing> in your inventory, and you want to eat one of them in particular.
  3. Use forms two or three when there are many instances of <thing> in your inventory, and you want to eat one of them in particular.
  4. Use form four when there are many instances of <thing> in your inventory, and you want to eat one of them in particular.

Eating may have several possible effects. No spoilers here. But, it could.

The Dungeon parser has limited NLP capability. You can successfully use "eat the cake", for example.

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