
Purpose: display the TriadCity calendar date.
Synonyms: none
NLP Enabled? yes

1. date 1. date


  1. Use Date when you want to know what the date is within the World.

The TriadCity week consists of 7 days. TriadCity months are exactly 4 weeks, or 28 days; there are 13 months in the year, and a cycle of 13 years forms a Greater Year. Like hours, each day, month and year has its own name. The Date command will display the current one.

Because the command is enabled for "natural language" parsing, you can use all kinds of variations and still be understood. "Tell me the date", "show me the date", "what's the date?", "what's the date today?", "tell me today's date", "date" and many others will all do fine.

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