
Purpose: report a system bug
Synonyms: problem, report
NLP Enabled? yes

1. bug <report> 1. bug bought a loaf of bread for 1 dinar, but 10 dinars were deducted from my account
2. problem <report> 2. problem bought a loaf of bread for 1 dinar, but 10 dinars were deducted from my account
3. report <report> 3. report bought a loaf of bread for 1 dinar, but 10 dinars were deducted from my account


  1. Use Bug to let our crack programming team (they're on crack?) know about an error.
  2. Use Problem or Report if you can't remember the word "bug", or you like to type extra letters.

What! Bugs in our beautiful new-generation code? Uh... well... sure. Always. We appreciate your reports.

In fact we appreciate them so much that we reward players who are the first to report them. The amount of the reward varies with how serious the problem was.

The command is simple: just type "bug <report>", where "report" is a reasonably full description of what you were trying to do, what you typed, and what response you received. There's no need to explain what room you're in, or your character's name. The system logs all that automatically when you submit your report.

Bug, Problem, and Report are synonyms for the same action.

Because the command is enabled for "natural language" parsing, you can use all kinds of variations and still be understood. "Report this bug: fubar", "make a bug report: fubar", "report bug fubar", "report a bug fubar", "bug fubar" and many others will all do fine.

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