TriadCity Message of the Day
With server version, approximately 60 Social Commands have been converted to "new style" ones which allow users to provide their own adverbs or other modifiers.
It'll take a few days for us to get the Player Guide up to date. Meanwhile, here's the list:
- Applaud
- Armcross
- Beckon
- Beseech
- Blink
- Blubber
- Blush
- Bow
- Bump
- Chortle
- Chuckle
- Concerned
- Confused
- Cough
- Curious
- Curtsey
- Disgusted
- Drool
- Embrace
- Entreat
- Flirt
- Frown
- Frustrated
- Giggle
- Glance
- Glare
- Glower
- Grimace
- Grin
- Groan
- Growl
- Handclap
- Highfive
- Hug
- Ignore
- Implore
- Lean
- Mock
- Nod
- Nudge
- Nuzzle
- Pant
- Pat
- Ponder
- Scowl
- Shiver
- Shrug
- Shudder
- Sigh
- Smile
- Snarl
- Snicker
- Snort
- Sob
- Spit
- Stare
- Wave
- Weep
- Whimper
- Wince
- Wink
Have fun with 'em!
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