
Purpose: get some item from the current room, or from a container.
Synonyms: grab
NLP Enabled? yes

1. get <thing> 1. get box
2. get <thing> <specification> 2. get box green
3. get <specification> <thing> 3. get green box
4. get <n>.<thing> 4. get
5. get <thing> <container> 5. get shirt box
6. get all 6. get all


  1. Use form one when there's no possible ambiguity. In the example, there's only one box in the current room.
  2. Use form two or three when more information is needed to interpret the command — that is, there's more than one possible item by the same name to which the command could be applied. In the example, there's a green shirt in the room, a cotton shirt, etc.
  3. Use form two or three when more information is needed to interpret the command — that is, there's more than one possible item by the same name to which the command could be applied. In the example, there's a green shirt in the room, a cotton shirt, etc.
  4. Use form four when there are many instances of <thing> in the room, and you want to get one of them in particular.
  5. Use form five when the thing you want to get is inside a container, such as a bag, box, coat, etc. etc. Note that to use this form, you may have to qualify <thing> if more than one exist inside the container: for instance, "get green shirt bag", meaning "get the green shirt out of the bag".
  6. Use form six to get every carryable item currently in the room.

Note that items must be in the current room for you to get them; or in a container inside the room or your inventory. You can't Get items from another room; from another character; etc.

When you Get an item, it's added to your Inventory: that is, the stash of items you're carrying around for eventual use. To be able to begin making use of some item, it has to be in your Inventory first.

Not every item is necessarily getable. Also, you may be unable to Get an item due to many possible constraints: not enough energy; paralysis; etc. As with all commands, the Game Channel will record the outcome of your action.

Get and Grab are synonyms for the same action.

Because the command is enabled for "natural language" parsing, you can use all kinds of variations and still be understood. "Get the blue diamond", "pick up the blue diamond", "get the fourth diamond", "get the 4th diamond", and many others will all do fine. To get an Item from inside a container you can type, "get the blue diamond out from inside the bag", "get the 4th diamond from the bag", "get 4.diamond bag" and many other variations.

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