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Purpose: give a character a charisma-raising manicure.
Synonyms: none
NLP Enabled? yes

1. manicure <target> 1. manicure guard
2. manicure <target> <specifier> 2. manicure guard tall
3. manicure <specifier> <target> 3. manicure tall guard
4. manicure <n>.<target> 4. manicure 2.guard


  1. Use form one when there's no possible ambiguity. In the example, there's only one guard in the current room.
  2. Use form two or three when more information is needed to interpret the command — that is, there's more than one possible target by the same name to which the command could be applied. In the example, there's a tall guard, a short guard, a skinny guard, etc.
  3. Use form two or three when more information is needed to interpret the command — that is, there's more than one possible target by the same name to which the command could be applied. In the example, there's a tall guard, a short guard, a skinny guard, etc.
  4. Use form four when there are many instances of <target> present, and you want to manicure one of them in particular.

There are many conditions which could prevent you from being able to manicure a particular target. You may be too tired, or paralyzed, or unable to perceive the target. The Game channel will inform you of the outcome of your command.

As with many other TriadCity commands, your expertise with the Manicure Skill will determine how effective your attempts to use the Manicure command will be.

Because the command is enabled for "natural language" parsing, you can use all kinds of variations and still be understood. "Manicure the second guard", "manicure the 2nd guard", "manicure 2nd guard", "manicure 2.guard" and many others will all do fine.

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"The space of a fictional world is a construct, just as the characters and objects that occupy it are, or the actions that unfold within it. Typically, in realist and modernist writing, this spatial construct is organized around a perceiving subject, either a character or the viewing position adopted by a disembodied narrator. The hetertopian zone of postmodernist writing cannot be organized in this way, however. Space here is less constructed than deconstructed by the text, or rather constructed and deconstructed at the same time. Postmodernist fiction draws upon a number of strategies for constructing/deconstructing space, among them juxtaposition, interpolation, superimposition, and misattribution."
— Brian McHale, Postmodernist Fiction (info)