Jobs at SmartMonsters

Here's our thing. We're dead broke. We don't have enough income to pay our hosting costs on AWS.

There are two reasons for this.

  1. We haven't tried very hard.
  2. We're terrific at technology and games and creativity and writing. But we're helpless at business.

Do you want to help?

If you answered "Yes!" to that question, we have two unpaid long-term internships available for the right brilliant MBA students. We see these as ideal for students looking for challenging thesis projects, or perhaps something like capstone projects. But remember, we have no idea what we're doing.

  1. Vice President of Marketing and Sales
    Yes! An internship with a rockin' title. Start your resume off big! Develop marketing and sales strategies, oversee their implementation and probably handle most of the labor personally. You'd own social media, press, and everything else business-y we don't understand. How's that for a thesis topic? "I Took SmartMonsters From Nothing to Something in Just Two Short Years."
  2. Blind or Visually Impaired Community Evangelist
    Responsible for outreach to blind or VI gamers online, as well as the broader blind and visually impaired communities. Same idea: start from zip, take the credit for ending with better-than-zip.

Granted we can't pay, we can potentially do revenue splits. Give you a (large) chunk of anything you generate. Worth a talk?

Write us!

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