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Flowers and Roots  XML
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Sascha Lecours

Joined: 2003.10.24 00:00:00
Messages: 446

This is not quite a bug, but several of the plants listed in the herbalist's list in the player's guide seem to only come in root or flower form (Ginger, Lotus, Passion flower), and these types of items can't be put in herb sachets. is this intentional?
Sascha Lecours

Joined: 2003.10.24 00:00:00
Messages: 446

I really don't think it's necessary to bring up that issue at this time - it's not like many people besides you are actually herbalists, and even if these features appear to be 'missing', in a way, there are plenty of working ones for now. Just let it slide - it's probably been noticed by now, or someone would have said something.
Sascha Lecours

Joined: 2003.10.24 00:00:00
Messages: 446

You really think so? Well, okay, I trust your opinion - I'll wait and see what happens. Issue closed.
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