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If you're caught up in the security dragnet...  XML
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Mark Phillips

Joined: 1969.12.31 00:00:00
Messages: 2199
Location: Watsonville, CA

If you look at the bottom of these pages you'll see a bold number of "Most users ever online", with some astronomical number which is 518 as I write this.

These aren't real users, they're spambots trying to post ads for wondrous Indonesian tennis shoes and Rolex knock-offs from Siberia.

I don't think they can get through our super-secure bot-defeating we-know-better-than-you-spammers security code, but just in case, we've added a layer of network filtering to prevent them reaching us in the first place.

Well - the thing is - of course - they're not all spambots. Some of them are you.

So here's the deal. If you find yourself unable to reach the SmartMonsters web site, with a rude message about being blacklisted for being a bad, bad, bad person: immediately email, and we'll fix it.


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020.07.26 00:11:59

Bartle quotiet: E80, A67, S47, K7. TriadCity characters: Mark, Poobah, Occam, Abelard.
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