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Messages posted by: Lisa Chau
Forum Index » Profile for Lisa Chau » Messages posted by Lisa Chau
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Now that the male participants in this yack-yack have talked themselves purple, I have some questions for you.

1. Have any of you noticed that, aside from my initial posts, no women have joined your debate? Does that seem odd to you, considering it was two women who were offended by the role-play you're discussing? Have you figured-out that those women have accepted your suggestion to walk away from behavior which offends them? -- in this case, your discussion? Does that seem ironic to you?

2. Juha: when you offered to have Korpela officiate at Lady Shady's funeral, did you inform Daisy or the other organizers that the occasion was to be Korpela's grand "coming out" party? Did they agree to that? Why do I have the sense that both answers are "no"?

3. Kristofer: had you played August before the occasion of the funeral? Did Daisy know in advance what kind of role-play you intended? Did she tell you that was acceptable to her? Did she say it was acceptable at the occasion of the funeral of another character? How about the other participants?

4. Juha and Kristofer: are you serious when you argue that if Daisy and the other organizers of Lady Shady's funeral were offended by your role-play, it's their responsibility to leave the event, and your right to hijack it for your own purposes? Why do I feel I know the answer to that, too?

5. Have any of you given thought to why four times as many men play role-playing games as women? Do you think it has to do with the atmosphere YOU create? Do you really think it's likely that women will find it entertaining to role-play the same abuse they encounter in real life?

Juha and Kristofer: to spare you quoting Rawls I'll answer these questions for you. The answer is that you two are rude, clueless, arrogant, and wrong.

You've used a lot of words trying to avoid a simple point. It's not up to you to decide when something is offensive or not. It's up to the people experiencing it. The end.

Conclusion number one. It's not acceptable to tell people that if they don't like what you do they can leave. Silly language screens are no better.

Conclusion number two. You're not going to be allowed to call women "cunt". Not ever. The women aren't going to let you. Get used to it.
I wasn't playing when the incident of the offensive language happened, so I don't know the details. Just what I can gather from the bulletin boards. Based on that I'm pretty sure I would have been offended myself.

There's a pretty simple rule I'd like to propose for deciding when "offensive" behavior is really offensive, versus role-playing. The rule is: if someone tells you OOC that you're offending them, then stop what you're doing.

I'll put this more firmly. It's not up to you to decide when something is offensive or not. It's up to the people experiencing it.

There's an analogy which seems obvious to me. It's not uncommon for African-Americans to call each other "nigger". Coming from other African-Americans the term is considered banter. If a white person uses that term, it's extraordinarily offensive. The reasons are pretty obvious. But some white people who don't get it will argue, "If they can call each other that, then it doesn't make sense that I can't." But it does make sense. The point is they get to choose what's offensive to them, others don't. I propose making that the general rule. That's exactly how I feel about men calling women "cunt". Just don't. The end.

I don't think this imposes any unreasonable restriction on role playing, or implies confusion between role-playing and reality. If you want to explore offensive behaviors, do it in company with characters who appreciate your exploration. Keep it away from those who don't. To try to insist that you have the right to offend people who don't share your fascination with the offensive is not only rude, it's imperialist, in the sense that it tries to impose your personal notion of what role-playing is about on people who don't share it.
Don't import the IC messages. Archive the boards, leave them available.
Answers and last reply by are also incorrect.
"Jack Flash" was MJ's gardener. In his book KR tells the story. The book is hilarious.
Topic view showing all messages in a forum, left side where info on posters is shown. My join date says "2003.06.02", but I joined in 1999.
Maybe this is a feature not a bug.

Did you receive my PM?

Is there a notice anywhere that you have a new PM?
My Profile, upload avatar. Fails with a message about missing libraries on the machine. I assume that's your machine, not mine.
Go to Private Messages. You can't enter a name into the To: field. You have to hit a search button to find the user to send to.
There are about 20 "Mark Phillips" in the Find User popup.
I have controls for creating new sticky topic; locking a topic; moving a topic to a different category. Nothing for making an existing topic sticky.
Right now the overview page for the Test Forum says that the "What to Look For During Testing" thread has 23 views. The Hottest Topics page says it has 3 views.
Reply to someone's post. There's a preview screen at the bottom of the page that shows the previous posts in the thread. That preview screen shows member IDs instead of names.
I don't see administrator buttons.

I do see edit controls on the messages. I'll edit this for a test.

[Edited by Lisa.]
Forum Index » Profile for Lisa Chau » Messages posted by Lisa Chau
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