TriadCity Message of the Day

The mysterious Tree of Secrets can now be found somewhere inside the City.

A Secret is a potentially valuable tidbit, or not, written on very ancient parchment. Perhaps it's the combination to a very important safe. Or perhaps guidance on how to defeat the guardian of that one intriguing door that's been driving you crazy. Perhaps still it's utter nonsense designed to confuse you even more. Or — knowing us — it's nothing but a very silly joke. You'll have to find the Tree to find out.

(Our favorite joke so far: "TelGar's real name is Jonas Grumby".)

Like the Explorer's guild suite, the Tree of Secrets will move around inside the City. Once it's been found, we'll know it. And we'll move it promptly.

One more note for the moment. The Secrets you Pick from the Tree do not persist between logins. When you log out, they evaporate. Also they can't be Donated, turned invisible or more easily shared. They can be Burned. Like, if it's a really really cold night out and you can't find any kerosene-driven space heaters.

Meet you in the City!

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