Joined: 1969.12.31 00:00:00
Messages: 2199
Location: Watsonville, CA
Occam! - cheerie old bean - good chap! - all for one and all that rot. Wingman, chum, and carousing partner of the legendary James Bigglesworth - many a hairy scrape - lucky to escape with both wings attached. Why, I remember the time at Aden - 1937, wot? - with Algy and Ginger running like Ally Sloper's Cavalry through back alleys chased by truckloads of Arabs arguing about a white goat! - of all the silly rubbish - with Biggles at the aerodrome revving up the old Vandal and me - well where else would I have been? - passed out drunk as otters in the Casbah with the Viceroy's twin daughters and a case of Courvoisier I'd personally liberated from the infidel just the night before. Spiffing! Meet you at Alfred's, tell you all about it. Now there's something your Central Computer can't sling the bat about!