
Purpose: drop some item from your inventory to the ground.
Synonyms: none
NLP Enabled? limited

1. drop <thing> 1. drop box
2. drop <thing> <specification> 2. drop box green
3. drop <specification> <thing> 3. drop green box
4. drop <n>.<thing> 4. drop 2.box
5. drop all 5. drop all


  1. Use form one when there's no possible ambiguity. In the example, you're only carrying one box in your inventory.
  2. Use form two or three when more information is needed to interpret the command — that is, there's more than one possible item by the same name to which the command could be applied. In the example, you're carrying a green box, a rusty box, etc.
  3. Use form two or three when more information is needed to interpret the command — that is, there's more than one possible item by the same name to which the command could be applied. In the example, you're carrying a green box, a rusty box, etc.
  4. Use form four when there are many instances of <thing> in your inventory.
  5. Use form five when you want to drop everything in your inventory. Note the Drop All command does NOT drop your money.

When you drop an item, it falls directly to the floor of the room you're in. There's no restriction on picking up items you've dropped; you can drop and pick up an item as many times as you like.

The Dungeon parser has limited NLP capability. You can successfully use "drop the box", for example.

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